Head Wrap Tutorials

Whether you are a beginner or looking for inspiration, there is something for everybody in our head wrap tutorial series! 


Wrap and Go I

Perfect of beginners and intermediary skill levels to help you achieve a desired result each time. We have come to learn is you cannot duplicate this look exactly no matter how many times you try! And this is the key to letting loose and enjoying your head wraps!


Wrap & Go II

Sometimes you just need a quick, easy go to head wrap style, and that is exactly what the Wrap & Go is here for!



The head wrap bun is a common and well loved head wrap style and our variation is fashioned towards elevating the bun and giving you more options, hence, the Rosette.


Knot  & Tuck

Let's go back to basics! We show you how you can have fun and experiment with your head wrap. Once you get your foundations right - that is knot knot away - then you have the freedom to play around and explore!


Mini Badoo Up-Do

Inspired by Erykah Badu, this style is a perfect for intermediate to high skill levels. Which basically means you are more comfortable with working with larger fabrics and/or want a fuller coverage.
Once you get the hang of this it can easily become a favorite go to.


Badoo Up-Do

Inspired by Erykah Badu, this easy to follow Badoo up-do tutorial is geared for intermediate to high skill level - which basically means you are more comfortable with working with larger fabrics and/or want a fuller coverage. It's also great for those with short hair and looking to get a little more height and drama in their look!


Share your head wrap styles with us on Socials by tagging @2sydneystylists or #2sydneystylists